Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog Post #9

What can teachers and students teach us about PBL?
I think that by observing teachers and students using PBL it can shows us first hand how well PBL works. PBL is the best type of learning for students to engage in and to test the knowledge they have obtained. I think that by watching this happen with our own eyes and ears it can help erase doubts or confusion. The generation of today's future educators are not familiar with PBL, therefore they may want to shut the idea down, but if they were to witness how well it actually works they may be more open to it. I think students and teachers can teach us to be more open minded when using PBL.
In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning I learned that you should always choose a topic in which your students will take a string interest in and will make them excited about learning. The most important step after that is to have your lesson plan well planned out and put together effectively with much thought. You should plan how you will start the topic off. Introduce it to the students by showing them some sort of resource introducing it. Next you should let the student share their opinions and thoughts on the topic and how they wish to go about presenting it in their projects. This video was very helpful for me to see how I can get started with incorporating PBL in my own classroom one day.
Next I watched the video Project-based learning for Teachers, which gives great information to the teachers trying to start out using PBL. It's great to see s resource just for introducing and helping teachers to further understand how to incorporate PBL in the classroom.
Next I watched the video PBL: What motivates students today. This video was great to see more of a student point of view and what motivates them. It's awesome to see a video like this so that we can tell what to pay attention to when it comes to motivating our students and keeping their full attention. If most students are motivated by their future careers then that tells us to incorporate more career- based topics in PBL.
Next I read the article Ten Sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration in Project Based Learning. I was interested in this article because of the great sources it gives. This gives good ideas of websites or tools that can be used in PBL. This is something for the entire EDM310 class to keep in mind for using in our own classrooms one day in the future.
Lastly, I read the article PBL and Physical Education. This one caught my attention because I did not know it was possible for the two to have anything in common, but they actually do. I learned that you are able to incorporate PBL in almost every are of school, including PE.


  1. "...will take a string interest in…" strong, not string

    " almost every are of school, including PE." area, not are

    Thoughtful. Interesting.

  2. Amber,
    I enjoyed what you wrote about students being hesitant about using PBL in their future classrooms. I agree that seeing PBL in action is a great way to open their eyes to how wonderful and interactive a classroom can be. I watched the PBL for Teachers video, as well. It was interesting and I thought that it had a lot of tips for teachers that you did not really mention in your post, such as the roles that investigating, questioning, and reflecting help to really bring a project to life. Remember to proof read your blog posts, but overall I really liked reading your post this week.
    Good job,
    Ellen Dunn
