Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Post # 8

When I sat down to watch the hour-long Randy Pausch video, I never expected it to be so meaningful and inspiring. It was far from what I had expected and I am very glad that I took the time to watch it. The computer Science major talked about his own life experiences and shared with us why it is important to have plenty of perseverance when it comes to your dreams. When you have big dreams, you are going to have obstacles or discouragements. It's natural to want to give up or turn another direction to avoid conflict, but this is when you should push your hardest to make it through. As educators we must be passionate when teaching children so that they will know how important it is to not only do something you love but to be excited and passionate about doing it.
Randy Pausch states how not only is it important to chase your dreams, but it is also important to grow and learn form your journey along the way. It is all a process. A process in which you will benefit form every aspect if you use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Pausch tells how it is important to let your students see you teach with passion so that they will gain confidence in their own dreams. One thing that Pausch talked about in his video that really stuck with me was when he spoke about how we learn indirectly. After he stated this I reflected back on some of my biggest life lessons and almost never are they just something that someone informed me of. They all occurred when I learned something in the PROCESS of doing something else. I think this is important to teach people so that they will recognize it when they are going through something. Instead of having a negative mindset when going through a difficult situation, they can look at the issue and recognize how this will teach them, help them grow, and benefit them for the future. No matter what life may throw at you, you are able to grow from it. Take it as a lesson learned, and rememeber that it is all a part of your process. Pausch's video is a great example of perseverance and following your dreams. I think this is a video that would benefit everyone to watch. I'm glad I took the time to actually sit and watch it instead of just skimming through., This was a real attention grabber, and Randy Pausch is a very inspiring man.


  1. Hi, Amber! I also enjoyed watching this video. Randy Pausch's life and the way he handled his imminent death is such an inspiration. I particularly like his point about brick walls. He said they aren't meant to stop you, but rather to give you opportunity to show how much you really want something. You are absolutely right. It is all about the process. Great post!

  2. What about head fakes, raising the bar, project based learning, accepting critiques, brick walls, persistence, have fun, childlike wonder, asking for advice from peers and PLN, staying curious, being a life long learner?
