Sunday, November 9, 2014

C4T Summary

The first teacher I commented for was a kindergarten teacher named Ms.Davison. Ms. Davison provided many useful hints and tips for incorporating technology into the classroom. I read many ideas from her blog post that I would like to use in my own classroom one day. She knows many different tactics to use that get the students excited about using the technology and keeps their focus and engagement in a subject. She teaches technology to small children and keeps their full attention as well as lets them have some freedom to find their own way with using the technology they have to learn and explore. I was very impressed by her ability to have such small children so amused and so focused with technology. These children were very good at using it for learning, when I expected them to be more interested in playing. It definitely surprised me reading her blog.

The second teacher, Ms. Dorothy, posted a video in her blog with instructors in New Zealand explaining why they use technology in their classrooms. The instructors basically addressed using technology in classrooms, starting with younger children, as the best way to prepare
them for their future. With as much as technology is advancing in today's world, it is best to start the student off young with preparation and practice so that they will be more equipped with experience when they are older. One of the instructors in the video referred to this as "today's learning for tomorrow's jobs." I really enjoyed watching this video.

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